by Alex Craddock | March 29, 2019 | CombatCon(versations)
Finally, a follow-up. It only took two months, but I really wanted to experiment with some of the material I discussed earlier in the first post of this two-parter. (Click here to check out the first post!) I had done my research, had my fancy new green jacket, and...
by Alex Craddock | January 23, 2019 | CombatCon(versations)
As martial artists and lovers of history, we frequently share something very special to the Historical European Martial Arts community – the potential to always be one primary source away from a significantly deep rabbit hole of information. It’s the HEMA...
by Alex Craddock | June 26, 2018 | CombatCon(versations)
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts. I listen to a podcast called the HEMAcast, and the host Patrick McCaffrey loves to ask all of his guests on the show one question – is any one of those letters in HEMA more important than the others? Almost...
by Alex Craddock | May 11, 2018 | CombatCon(versations)
You’ve made it this far in your Google searching and Facebook clicking, you’re pretty sure there are swords involved and at least a few people who are dressed funny. One of these things likely appeals to you. But wait. Is it a party? A show? A tournament?...
by Alex Craddock | May 16, 2017 | CombatCon(versations)
For better or worse, the internet is here to stay. It lives in our pockets, on our TVs, and now, it has pervaded the realm of swordwork (and other martial arts of all kinds) in ways the previous generation probably never thought possible. Or at least, didn’t...